what to do after an auto accident

What to do if you’re in an Auto Accident

by | Mar 1, 2015 | auto accidents

From the initial moment of being involved in a car crash, your life will be changed and challenged in more ways than you can realize.

  • Why does my body hurt?Auto Accident
  • What can I do about it?
  • Who’s going to pay for my health bills?
  • Who’s going to repair my car?
  • Who’s going to pay for it?
  • How many insurance claims do I have?
  • Which one is for my car and which is for my health coverage?
  • How am I going to get to work?
  • How will I make money if I can’t get to work?
  • Do I need an attorney?
  • How do I get my kids to school and events with no car?
  • Am I responsible for any of this?
  • Why does the insurance company call so much?
  • What do I tell them?

What to do is you’re involved in an Auto Collision:

  • Stop Immediately
  • If seriously injured go to the emergency room
  • Call the Police
  • Collect as much information as possible
  • Contact us Immediately to set up a consultation and evaluation

How you spend the time immediately after a car crash can be very valuable to your case and ultimately determine who pays for the damages.  Utilizing this time is paramount to collect as much information as you can about the crash and everyone involved in the auto accident. Gather the other driver’s insurance and ID information, talk to any potential witnesses, take pictures of the vehicles including the license plate.  Always remember that you have to do your best to protect yourself from these unfortunate events.  Remember there is always the possibility of being involved in a hit and run, or the other drivers being under-or-uninsured.  To ensure you won’t be held responsible for any damages or fees; you need to have proper insurance for yourself but also document everything that might be of value to your case.

Your health care issues will be held as an injury claim and your auto damages will be a separate claim.  We are experts in helping you navigate the difficult waters of an injury claim.  Until you have been in an auto collision you have never understood the difficulties that can come along with it.  It is very important to seek out qualified health care providers that are familiar with personal injury cases.

These cases follow certain protocols and procedures, require very detailed documentation, and often require numerous specialties to participate.  Additionally, it is your Doctors duty to provide a mechanism of injury and prove causation in your motor vehicle collision, to prove your injuries were from your car crash.  These are vital steps to proving the necessity and validity of your health treatment.  In the event your Doctors have to go to trial to defend your treatment and prove your injuries, you want Doctors on your side that are well versed and educated within the system.  We have gone to trial on numerous occasions for our patients and will for you as well if your case goes to court.  We specialize in the area of personal injury claims and are the true professionals in getting you back to health and living your normal life.

The bottom line is if you don’t act quickly, you’ve probably hurt your injury claim, and you could be potentially prolonging your recovery.  By waiting, you are simply providing the insurance company and their lawyers with a defense to use against you.  Procrastination isn’t fatal to a personal injury claim, but it is something to avoid when you have been hurt in an auto accident.

Call us at the Denver Integrated Spine Center to see if we can help.  We offer a free initial consultation to discuss your injuries at no charge to you.  If you were not at fault in the accident, you won’t have any out-of-pocket expenses for your treatment. If you were at fault there are several options available to you as well.  Don’t delay, the longer you wait, the more difficult it is to recover from your auto injuries.

Contact us now at (303) 758-9000 and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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